Traveling Without a Map

Throughout the month of August, I'm aiming to write 25 blog posts. This is post #6 of 25. Find them all in the "blogathon 2014" category.

The other night,  after cleaning up the dinner dishes, R and I went to the ale house around the corner for a beer. The evening air was gentle, a welcome change from Walla Walla’s oppressive summer heat, so we took our beers out to the patio and sat.

“What will it take,” R asked me teasingly, “to convince you to go live with me in another country for a year?” Continue reading

“Because different conditions of existence produce different habitus–systems of generative schemes applicable, by simple transfer, to the most varied areas of practice–the practices engendered by the different habitus appear as systematic configurations of properties expressing the differences objectively inscribed in conditions of existence in the form of systems of differential deviations which, when perceived by agents endowed with the schemes of perception and appreciation necessary to identify, interpret, and evaluate their pertinent features, function as life-styles (see figure 3).

-Pierre Bourdieu, “Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste”